ms accessms sql

MS Access to MS SQL Migration and Sync

Powerful cross database software that will upsize and synchronize Access data into MS SQL database.

The program allows migrating MS Access queries to MSSQL views automatically with no need to know about the differences between SQL dialects.

As size of db increases, or higher level of security and reliability is required, access applications can be migrated to use SQL Server database.

Generally the number concurrent users for an Access database are limited to maximum of 10-20 users. Access does not provide the level of security and reliability that SQL Server does.

Besides, Microsoft said, that the MS Jet Database Engine that is used in MS Access, has entered a state of functional deprecation. They recommend using MS SQL Server Express or MS SQL Server Compact Editions instead for new database applications as a backend.

Top 5 Reasons to Migrate from Microsoft Access to MS SQL Server database:

  • Deprecation of MS Jet DB Engine.
  • Deployment of information.
  • Database growth.
  • Multi-user database access.
  • Integrity and Backup management.

Find out broadened information about
The reasons to migrate from MS Acceess to Server RDBMS.

If you started migration from an old MS Access database recently and need supporting it for some more time you have an opportunity to synchronize data between new database and an old one easily using our synchronization software.

In case you have restricted direct access to your MS SQL database, MS SQL Dump files may be generated.

Automate the process using built-in scheduler or command-line.

Read here trial versions limitations

Product highlights

  • Access queries to MS SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL views conversion support
  • MS Access Work Groups support
  • Linked tables support
  • Views conversion from MS SQL to MySQL and Oracle and back support
  • Bi-directional synchronization between MS SQL, MySQL, Oracle and PostgreSQL
  • MS SQL Server Express 2005/2008/2008 R2/2012, MS SQL Server 2000/2005/2008/2008 R2/2012, SQL Azure support
  • MS SQL schemes support
  • Saving data into a MS SQL Dump for export to MS SQL database
  • Ability to select TCP/IP, PIPE, IPX/SPX communications protocols
  • Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features
  • Also see common features for all DBConvert tools


  • Access 2000 or higher
  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x86 Redistributable package
  • MDAC 2.8
  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MS SQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
MS Access MS SQL

Converter from
MS Access to MS SQL

  • 8 Oct, 2013
  • Version 5.0.7
ORDER From $149 DOWNLOAD 45.21 Mb

Synchronizer between
MS Access and MS SQL

  • 8 Oct, 2013
  • Version 4.0.5
ORDER From $149 DOWNLOAD 43.73 Mb

Two-way database migration in one package. Pay once - get both! Find more information about the reverse migration

From MS SQL to MS Access

Converter+Syncronizer Bundle! Take 25% off regular price

New Features

  • Added conversion/synchronization for SQL Azure.
  • Queries conversion improvements.
    Now Ms Access queries are converted more productively.
  • Large databases (about 500 thousand records) are converted approximately in 30-40 min.
  • SSL technique for encrypted data conversion support


Database conversion / synchronization features

  • 1 - Workaround for firewalls and access rights
  • 2 - Views conversion
  • 3 - Flexible customization for all db elements
  • 4 - Bulk and quantization for speed up of big volume of data processing
  • 5 - Conditional data migration
  • 6 - Full UNICODE architecture support
  • 7 - Optimal data mapping
  • 8 - Verification of potential migration issues
  • 9 - Command line mode & scheduling
  • 10 - Savable sessions