ibm db2mysql

IBM DB2 to MySQL Migration and Sync

Our software is intended for the fastest database conversion and sync from DB2 to MySQL. It’s simple in handling and rather fast and efficient in the execution of data. You can choose between Wizard-GUI or command line mode to perform your operations.
The application supports many features and can accomplish the reverse conversion and synching too. Customize the target db renaming tables, fields and indexes before moving; convert all or only needed database elements, filter data to retrieve only specific information and more. 
Any migration task can be saved in Dump file or PHP script instead of moving data to MySQL database directly to be restored later on server. 

What are the benefits (advantages) of MySQL?

  • MySQL is one of widely-used open source databases
  • It is the most-used database in the world for online applications, high-profile and large-scale websites
  • It is a popular choice of database for embedded applications and for proprietary database systems because of its speed and reliability

Tool has the ability to automate data transfer using the helpful built-in Scheduler for managing conversion and synchronization tasks from DB2 to MySQL.

Product highlights

  • DB2 v.9.7 and higher
  • Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features
  • Views conversion from MySQL to MS SQL and Oracle and back support
  • Saving data into a MySQL Dump and PHP script for export to MySQL database
  • Ability to connect to MySQL Server 4.x/5.x located on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows machines
  • Speed conversion with Bulk and Quantization features
  • Also see common features for all DBConvert tools


  • Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x86 Redistributable package
  • If you connect to remote DB2 server that IBM Data Server Client should be installed on the machine where our tool is installed. You can download this client here:
  • Necessary privileges to write into empty database on the target DB2 server
  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target MySQL server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file or PHP Script)

Converter from

  • 8 Jan, 2013
  • Version 1.1.5
ORDER From $ 149 DOWNLOAD 25.01 Mb

Synchronizer between

  • 15 Oct, 2013
  • Version 1.1.5
ORDER From $ 149 DOWNLOAD 25.37 Mb

Two-way database migration in one package. Pay once - get both! Find more information about the reverse migration

From MySQL to IBM DB2

Converter+Syncronizer Bundle! Take 25% off regular price

New Features

  • Ability to convert and synchronize large databases (500 thousand records and more) in 3-5 min due to engine speed improvement.


IBM DB2 to MySQL: Benefits

  • 1 - Workaround for firewalls and access rights
  • 2 - Views conversion
  • 3 - Flexible customization for all db elements
  • 4 - Bulk and quantization for speed up of big volume of data processing
  • 5 - Conditional data migration
  • 6 - Full UNICODE architecture support
  • 7 - Optimal data mapping
  • 8 - Verification of potential migration issues
  • 9 - Command line mode & scheduling
  • 10 - Savable sessions