Easy to use utility for migrating your data from IBM DB2 to SQL Azure platform is able to move all database or each table separately. Though applications are designed to run on Windows platform, they allow you to sync and convert your databases placed on other platforms through remote connections.
You are able to transfer fields, foreign keys and indices individually. Possibility to map Data types is also available. Program engine is highly-optimized to run conversion and synchronization processes as fast as possible.
In addition sessions/tasks can be scheduled to run at any time.
The application supports command line in order to allow users automate data transferring.
Selecting Microsoft cloud platform as a new database for storing your data you are obtain not only high available, scalable and flexible solution for your business but also variable load, simple but at the same time reliable data storage.
Product highlights
- Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 x86 Redistributable package
- If you connect to remote DB2 server that IBM Data Server Client should be installed on the machine where our tool is installed. You can download this client here: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21385217
- Necessary privileges to write into empty database on the target DB2 server