sql azureoracle

SQL Azure to Oracle Migration and Sync

Read here trial versions limitations

Product highlights

  • Oracle Server version 10.0 and higher support
  • ODBC Oracle and Oracle client are not required
  • Views conversion from Oracle to MS SQL and MySQL and back support
  • Oracle 10.x.x. / Oracle XE (Express Edition) located on Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X, Windows machines
  • Saving data into an Oracle Dump for export to Oracle database
  • Also see common features for all DBConvert tools


  • Necessary privileges to write into database on the target Oracle server (this requirement is optional as there is an option to overcome the restrictions using dump file)
SQL Azure Oracle

Converter from
SQL Azure to Oracle

  • 24 Dec, 2012
  • Version 2.0.2
ORDER From $ 149 DOWNLOAD 73.06 Mb

Synchronizer between
SQL Azure and Oracle

  • 9 Sep, 2013
  • Version 1.3.1
ORDER From $ 149 DOWNLOAD 80.36 Mb

Two-way database migration in one package. Pay once - get both! Find more information about the reverse migration

From Oracle to SQL Azure

Converter+Syncronizer Bundle! Take 25% off regular price

New Features

  • Views conversion support for Oracle and SQL Azure databases added.
  • Parameterized queries supported. Conversion/synchronization speed increased approximately by 15%.
  • Trigger-based instant synchronization method between Firebird and SQL Azure found.


SQL Azure to Oracle: Benefits

  • 1 - Workaround for firewalls and access rights
  • 2 - Views conversion
  • 3 - Flexible customization for all db elements
  • 4 - Bulk and quantization for speed up of big volume of data processing
  • 5 - Conditional data migration
  • 6 - Full UNICODE architecture support
  • 7 - Optimal data mapping
  • 8 - Verification of potential migration issues
  • 9 - Command line mode & scheduling
  • 10 - Savable sessions